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Songs by: Sia
GO BACK TO LISTSia - Alive | Range: F#3-E5 | F# Minor |
Sia - Bird Set Free | Range: Bb3-Db5 | F Minor |
Sia - Cheap Thrills | Range: B3-B4 | F# Minor |
Sia - Reaper | Range: E3-D5 | G Major |
Sia - Unstoppable | Range: F#3-B4 | F# Minor |
Sia - Angel by the Wings | Range: G#3-D#5 | E Major |
Sia - Move Your Body | Range: G3-C5 | A Minor |
Sia - Helium | Range: G#3-C#5 | E Major |
Sia - Unstoppable | Range: F#3-B4 | F# Minor |